September 14, 2011

Asbury Park boardwalk

Ruins of the Casino Arena. Asbury Park, NJ.

The lifeguard chair as a work of art. Asbury Park, NJ.

From the days when giants strode the boardwalk. Asbury Park, NJ.

Tony's Sausage. Asbury Park boardwalk. (No, I did not eat anything there.)

Asbury Park murals

Murals in the Casino Arena. Asbury Park, NJ.

Ocean Grove murals

Ocean Grove beach

"9-11 - Never forget"

This gull wanted our lunch, and I wanted his picture. He didn't get our lunch, but I got his picture.

Ocean Grove

A colorful house in Ocean Grove.

A garden angel in Ocean Grove.

A tiny house in a tiny town.

September 13, 2011

Long Branch Boardwalk

Murals on a comfort station on the Long Branch boardwalk.

September 11, 2011


Here's something udderly ridiculous: a cow on Main Street in Somerville.

Old church reflected in new building. Courthouse Square, Somerville.

Wycliffe Gordon joins the Jazz House Kids at the Somerset Jazz Festival.

August 29, 2011

August 11, 2011

Rutgers Gardens

Small person, or big chair?

Japanese white pine

Alien invasion, or an air-sampling station?